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Ethical Hacking - By Chintan Gurjar

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Main » 2010 » December » 23 » New Facebook Scams :- Be Alert Guys
8:26 AM
New Facebook Scams :- Be Alert Guys

Facebook users should be careful about survey scams that are quickly spreading across the social network. Many Facebook users are struggling to clean up their accounts once they've been tricked into allowing a third party application to post messages from their profile.

Typical scams include messages that read:

"OMG this girl KILLED herself after her dad posted on her wall: LINK"

"Amazing how such a harmless prank could cause something so bad!: LINK"

"OMG OMG OMG...I cant believe this actually works! Now you really can see who viewed your profile! LINK"

However, by clicking on the link and giving a third-party Facebook application access to their profile, users are helping the scammers to spread the application across their network of friends.
Views: 1596 | Added by: handsome_devil | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Kevin Bdack Bms  
mampus loe

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